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Lexington SC Girls' Softball

Frequently Asked Questions

Playing at LGS

1. On what days will games be played?

Games are typically played on Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays. If a game is played at another park, games may be a different night of the week. Make-up games may take place on a Saturday. Any beginning or end of season ceremonies will take place on a Saturday. 

2. How is the practice schedule determined?

Prior to the start of games, practices are normally twice a week. Most teams practice once weekly after games begin. Practice schedules are determined by the coaches.

3. What time do games start?

Age groups 6U and 8U will begin games at 6:15 p.m. Some 10U games could be either at 6:15pm or 7:30pm, depending on the game schedule. 12U and 16U games are played at 7:30pm

4. How long is the season?

The spring season begins practicing in early February. Games begin in March with the season running until May. The fall season begins practices in mid-August. Games start in September and the season ends in mid-November.

5. How are teams picked?

Teams are picked by a coach's draft to make the teams as even as possible. All players are asked to take part in assessment day shortly after registration. The 6U age group will not have to come to assessments as those players are evenly divided by age. Since we are going to year round teams, the teams that where together in the fall will stay together for spring unless a player ages out, or what's to go back into the draft to assess up or for another team.

6. When and what are assessments?

Assessments take place before the season begins. The registered players will come to the ball park and do drills to let the coaches see the skill level of the girls. Every registered player will be placed on a team. LGS does not turn away any players as long as they are registered

7. How do players that are trying out for JV softball register?

Players that are trying out for high school JV softball will need to register as soon as they know they didn't make the team.

Age Groups

1. What are the Age Groups at LGS?

    6U - 6 and under
    8U - 8 and under
    10U - 10 and under
    12U - 12 and under
    16U - 16 and under

The age groups for 12 and over are subject to change.

2. How are age groups determined?

Age groups are determined by age of player on January 1 of current year.

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